Yes, I’m a ”bidat” person



Yes I’m a ”bidat” person and so are you
I’m a bidat person because I believe that old shrines shouldn’t have been destroyed in the Kingdom

I’m a bidat person because I think destroying the belongings and houses of our Messenger and of his companions were wrong
I’m a bidat person because I believe that no building should be higher around the Kaaba
I’m a bidat person because I fast and try to pray extra on days like Mawlid, Berat, Ashura, Miraj, and the night of Rajab. No They’re not eid festival in my books
I’m a bidat person because I look up for the proper etiquette for everything in my daily life. Do you? Start with beard etiquette in Islam and hats only Muslim men should wear.
I’m a bidat person because I believe in democracy and no patriarchy
I’m a bidat person because I think burqas and niqabs tend to be elements of fitna
I’m a bidat person because I enjoy 5 before 5
I’m a bidat person because I minimize my interaction with the opposite sex. If you’re not mahram to me you can bet you won’t drive me anywhere around town
I’m a bidat person because I stay silent when words fail me. If they don’t, I wittily tell you my thoughts without shoving them down your throat like bitter medicine
I’m a bidat person because I talk and write about sex education so openly
I’m a bidat person because I don’t rush to start or end the month of Ramadhan
I’m a bidat person because I celebrate my birthday and care less about other hallmark events
I’m a bidat person because I’m not a hypocrite in my own daily life choices
I’m a bidat person because you say so
I’m a bidat person because I think a bloody spy led you astray
I’m a bidat person because I don’t know all the facets of Islam. Seems like you ”do”
I’m a bidat person because I ignore the haram police
I’m a bidat person just because I follow a respected madhab and not a revived sect
I’m a bidat person because I don’t listen to ‘Adams’ who think they can dictate me

I’m a bidat person because only Allah knows best

Open Mic, meet floor. I’m out!

©Papatia Feauxzar 2015

About Papatia

Papatia Feauxzar is an Author and Muslim Publisher who holds a Master's degree in Accounting with a concentration in Personal Finance. You can visit her website at or her sister's website
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9 Responses to Yes, I’m a ”bidat” person

  1. SHAS says:

    “I’m a bidat person because I think burqas and niqabs tend to be elements of fitna”…..could you explain me as I couldn’t understand how?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haven’t we got categories of bida’ and non-bida’ mixed up here ?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Phew ! You got me worried 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A writer from the East says:

    Thank you for being candid and I’m with you all the way!!! Keep shining as you are.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Imthiyaz says:

    “kullu bid’atin dalala wa kullu dalalatin fin-naar “ “Every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance leads to the hellfire” Al-Hadith (Bukhari: 3197, Muslim: 4822, Ahmad: 11372, Tirmidhi: 2565, Hakim Mustadrak, 1:218)

    Then Get Ready for Hell Fire


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